Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Garden Fever

Well, you know your city-bred life's a-changin' when you are so excited by the prospect of spreading manure that you are on pins and needles waiting for your husband to come home so you can get at it. Yep, it's true. I'm having fits of glee over manure. Now THERE'S a phrase I never thought I'd say out loud.

I pored over the books detailing different types of manure, figured about how much I would need per square foot and scrutinized the prices from different sources. This is it. This is the last phase before the garden, at long last, goes in. I can't stand the wait. Heaven help me when I finally get to rip those bags open; I might actually keel over from excitement.

The seeds haven't even been planted and already I have garden fever. I'm not a patient sort, but I'm slowly learning that this is one virtue I'm going to have to somehow come to possess if I'm to get through this season. It's all about wait, wait, wait and I'm usually about go, go, go. This will be a learning experience for me in more ways than just knowing how and when to plant. I'm going to have to learn to live in a way that is somewhat foreign to me. Now, if only there were a fast-track way to do it.

Well, I've sat for as long as I can; I really do want to get out there and get my hands dirty. Must go. The manure pile awaits. sigh. Bliss.

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