Friday, May 1, 2009

Garden Miracle

Well it's a garden MIRACLE!

I finally decided today was the day to put aside my rather supreme disappointment about the container of peas and lettuce that became food for our wildlife neighbours. It was time to move on after my somewhat significant mourning period. I planned to dump out the whole sorry contents and start over - this time with some high tech security to keep the critters out (a.k.a. chicken wire).

But, to what did my wondering eyes appear??? A few tiny sprouts and a miracle dear! (Not DEER, as in the wildlife. That seems to be the only pest I DON'T have in my yard, thankfully).

I couldn't resist running inside, grabbing my camera and taking a few pictures, lest it seem later to have been a hallucination. But no. It's REAL. I even dragged Terry over to crouch down and inspect these tiny little green shoots. Suffice to say, he genuinely did try to summon up the same level of enthusiasm I was showing. Bless his heart for trying.

Now here's the dilema. The pests did such a thorough job of tunnelling through the soil that the seeds that survived their onslaught have been displaced so I don't actually know what little sprouts those are, as I planted 3 different vegetables in that container. It will be a mystery until the day they start producing, I suppose.

But it's a miracle. The amazing thing is that they survived without any help from me. All the books I've been reading all Winter, reminding me to coddle the little seeds and sprouts or they'd simply rot in the ground. And here, with me assuming they bought the farm ages ago, left them outside on their own, with just the rain and God.

Fortunately, God is a much better gardener than I could ever be. I think He knew I needed to see something good come of this first planting, to keep me hopeful about the whole garden. You see, I'm trying to change something about myself through this and He knows it. So, He sort of had to remind me that it's not about me. Sure, I need to do my part, but His part is bigger. He can make things happen all on His own.

And He did.

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