Monday, May 11, 2009

So Different

People always ask me, "Are they twins?" That baffles me. They're the same size, they're sitting in the same stroller, dressed alike and are clearly the same age. Um, yeah - they're twins.

At the same time, I can't fault them for wondering. I just see them as two totally different boys. They aren't "twins" to us, they are just brothers who share the same birthday. I want them to know that we don't think of them as half of a whole, but as two completely exceptional, very different, and not at all interchangeable kids.

And WOW are they different. I might dress them alike and they may look as alike as any other siblings, but they are not really too similar in any other way. I'm very glad of that. I want them to be their own person, choose their own friends and their own interests. People are always striving to be "the norm". I want more from these guys.

I want Sam to continue to be the quiet, mechanically-minded, adventurous person he is today.
I want Ben to continue to be the funny, fiesty, enthusiastic kid he is now.
I'm glad they have each other but I'm especially glad we have them.

1 comment:

  1. Love them both!
    So glad you had two at once to squish and appreciate for their own little ways :)
